Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Master Storage Reorganization

It has been three months since I last posted and during that time my house has been taken over with a renovation that is reminiscent of the classic children’s story, “If You Give a Moose a Muffin”. Or in my case I have renamed it, “If You Give a Mom a Project”. Since I have been encouraged by several people to continue to blog while I am going through the transformation, I thought I would bring you up to speed.
After replacing our 22+ year old kitchen appliances, we really needed to replace the peeling laminate, which meant we needed to renew the cabinets, which means, of course, now we need a new backsplash. All the makeover work is easy compared to the real project that has consumed me for the last several weeks – master reorganization of all of our storage items. Since the cabinets were emptied for the refinishing, I realized I had many items taking up valuable kitchen space that could be stored elsewhere. The process of making our kitchen more efficient has the contents of my cabinets spread throughout the house, everywhere but the kitchen. Until I plan our new storage strategy, it doesn't make sense to move all the serving pieces and small appliances to a temporary storage location. However, with Thanksgiving only a week away and expecting a full house, I have no choice but stow my lesser used kitchen items for the time being, in of all places – my bedroom.
As I pause for Thanksgiving preparations, I can ponder how and where to store the items we use infrequently. What are your thoughts? Where do you store specialty appliances? Special serving or heirloom pieces? Picnic supplies? And since it is effecting my other storage locations, what about travel accessories? Heavy coats that are only used twice a season? Games and puzzles? Formalwear?  What are you storing?